1 to 1 iPad Program
1 to 1 iPad Program
Each junior high school student at CCS is issued an iPad as part of their experience in school. The school self-insures each iPad for accidental damage during this time for $150.00 annually. This device is used for online textbooks, research, and as an online communication tool for junior high students to communicate via school email and Google Classroom. Students are also given access to the school's robust wireless network. The devices have become useful and a necessary tool for collaboration, productivity, and communication.
Apps Pre-Loaded for Students
- Accelerated Reader
- Bookshelf
- Brain Pop
- Gmail
- Glo Bible
- Google Docs
- Google Drive
- Google Earth
- Google Sheets
- Graphing Calculator by desmos
- iBooks
- iBrainstorm
- iMovie
- IMotion
- Intel Education (textbooks)
- Haiku Deck
- Keynote
- Khan Academy
- Meraki System Manager
- myHomework Planner
- Notability
- Numbers
- Padlet
- Pages
- Penzu
- Photo Editor by Aviary
- Pic Collage
- Quizlet (customizable quizzing)
- Remind: Safe Classroom Communication
- Shurley Portal (ELA textbooks)
- Skitch
- Story Creator
- Timeline Builder
- WebMo: Molecular Editor
- Webster's Dictionary