Elementary School
Elementary School
Here at Campbell Christian our motto is “Building a Firm Foundation”. We construct a strong academic base for our students to draw from as they advance, but we also want to build a spiritual foundation. Our intent is for students to develop a sound character as they go out into the world. Our desire is for them to become people who are respectful, kind, trustworthy, and honorable. We hope to help develop them into strong community members.
What makes our Elementary program unique is the school’s family culture. Our teachers meet every morning to pray and share devotionals. The people who work here are completely invested in the school. The students feel close to their teachers. Our staff wants to see children succeed in every aspect of their lives. We pride ourselves on being approachable and friendly.
We teach our students to take care of each other as well. In our Buddy Program, older students meet with younger students. They learn together, play together, and mentor each other. We have a long-standing tradition of gathering as a school every morning for prayer and flag salute.

Along with our ambitious academic program, we offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and enrichments. All students take P.E., Music, Art, Library, Technology, and Chapel. While Chapel serves as a place for our students to celebrate God’s love and learn positive values, it also builds confidence. All grades get the opportunity to lead Chapel. From a very young age, our students learn how to stand in front of an audience and perform with poise and self-assurance.
Campbell Christian also features an in-depth athletic department. Students have the opportunity to try out for sports such as cross country, track and field, basketball, volleyball, and flag football. We have a beautiful gym on our campus that all of our students get to enjoy. Our campus is adjacent to a vast field along with two grassy areas, two playgrounds, and a sandbox.
We offer a variety of after-school programs for students of all ages. In our Extended Care program, students have the opportunity to work on homework, play games, do crafts, participate in a wide range of activities, and develop friendships. We also offer an on-campus Fall musical program through Starting Arts, private music lessons, a writing club, and a variety of seasonal offerings through After School Life. Examples of previous offerings are Magic, Clay Sculpting, Cartooning, and Soccer.

Being located in Silicon Valley means that we are surrounded by amazing educational resources for our students to visit. Some of our field trips include the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Exploratorium, The Museum of Science, and the San Francisco Zoo. Our fourth and fifth graders also have the opportunity to go to overnight camps. Fourth grade attends 49er camp in Gold Rush country. Fifth grade attends a science camp at Mission Springs near Felton.
Attending CCS will help prepare your child for a life of service, character, and academic success. Beyond this, CCS provides a support system for you and your family. We want to incorporate you into the community that we have developed. We welcome you to our family.