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We recognize the importance of, and emphasis on, technology in our society.

Where paperbacks were once the norm, today vendors sell more electronic books. Tablet-style computers are common place; these devices allow photo and video recording, editing, application development, presentation & word processing, and spreadsheet application options. Campbell Christian Schools has integrated technology into our core academic activities and classrooms. We are, however, very aware that technology integration must be utilized in a responsible manner. Each classroom is outfitted with wireless LCD projectors, Apple TV units, wireless networks, and access to class sets of iPads. Junior high school students are provided school-owned iPads each year, complete with necessary software to complete a wide-variety of assignments. Campbell Christian is adopting the current draft of next generation tech standards; classroom iPads are present on a 1 to 1 basis in grade sets, with annual upgrades to devices. Tech classes are taught throughout the school day, with specialized coding classes offered through enrichments taught by a specialized tech teacher. Core classroom teachers are standardized on Macbooks and integrate core technology into class activities. These include but are not limited to word processing, slide show development, spreadsheet use, etc.

Highlights of our technology integration:

  • School-provided with preloaded software iPad for each Junior High student, to be taken home each day
  • Filtered wireless internet at school
  • Junior High students are given school email addresses hosted by Google. Students may only email other students, school administrators, and teachers from this email
  • Campbell Christian is consistently integrating core tech competencies into daily curricular activities with grade level teachers. This frees our tech teacher to instruct students in more coding/tech usage and design activities
  • The fastest commercial connection offered currently, with 23 wide band access points throughout campus;
    Junior High students are allowed to use their iPads, with parent permission, for personal use during the school year
  • Although students are engaged in iPad use with many of the activities in the classroom, limits are placed on their use during lunch in order to foster social and emotional growth
  • Preschool teachers use Chromebooks and Chrome devices/monitors in the classroom to help integrate technology into their classes.
  • Well over 300 iPads are available for staff and student use on our campus
  • *iPad use is governed by Campbell Christian School's Technology Acceptable Use Policy provided to parents annually prior to a student being issued an iPad.